Summertime Treats & Eats

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fruit popsicles

Summer is full of great family activities. Everyone enjoys a good barbecue, camping trip, or pool party. But when we’re in those festive situations, sometimes sugar sneaks up on us.

It only seems natural to enjoy a soda or a lemonade at a friendly barbecue. And that’s going to happen sometimes, especially when we’re at someone else’s home.

But we need to do our best to let our sugar consumption not get out of hand this summer, so we’ve compiled some of our favorite kid-friendly summer recipes, all of which are low in sugar and high in deliciousness.

Low Sugar Summer Treats

Popsicles are a great way to beat the heat, but they’re also extremely sugary. Here are some tasty, refreshing low sugar popsicle recipes. You can find a few more popsicle ideas here, along with more dessert and snack ideas. And if you’re still hungry for dessert, here’s a giant list of low sugar treats. And when you get through with those? Here are 15 more.

Summertime Snacks:

Summertime Meals:

Summertime Drinks:

If you’re looking for quick meals or picnic food, Super Healthy Kids has some fantastic suggestions for wraps here.

Stay Hydrated

No matter what you do or eat this summer, it’s important to stay hydrated.

Sugary drinks can help dehydrate your body, and you’ll need all the water you can get if you’re out in the sun all day. Adults should drink eight to ten glasses of water per day, and kids should drink at least five, but as many as ten, depending on their age.

Here’s a handy guide.

Here’s hoping you have a fun and cavity-free summer!

~Dr. Marea White