Don’t Look Like a Jack-o’-Lantern

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A missing tooth on a jack-o’-lantern is one thing…but it’s not as cute when a person is missing a tooth. Dental implants are more common than most people realize, and I specialize in fixing missing teeth.

What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

There are so many reasons to bite the bullet and make a dentist appointment if you are in need of an implant.

  • Improved oral health, self esteem, and appearance – Implants are made to fuse to your jawbone, do not affect nearby teeth, and look and feel like your teeth.
  • Improved speech, easier eating, convenience, and comfort – Implants are not removeable, so there is no need to worry about dentures slipping as you eat, speak, and live your life.
  • Durability – Implants are made to last a long time with proper oral care.

How Can We Help?

I’ve seen all kinds of people in my years as a dentist. The truth is, you can get your smile back, and I would love to help you go over your options. Don’t let embarrassment get in the way of your gorgeous smile.

Marea White DDS sad jack-o-lantern

~Dr. Marea White